Monday, 24 July 2023

Dev Diary // FLTK & Tetris Part 2

A little while ago I had fun making Tetris in FLTK; a library not meant for games.

It worked perfectly except for the bad flickering that I thought was down to the fact that FLTK just wasn't designed to handle games.

Then today I was working (as usual), and I saw a some code in Unreal Engine called double buffer and a light bulb went off in my head. When using something like Direct X, you usually set up a swap chain, and a buffer and a second buffer and all that jazz because the whole point is to draw your next frame to an unseen buffer, then you swap the unseen buffer with the one currently being displayed; ad infinitum. 

I wondered if this was the actual issue and the flickering was being caused by screen tearing. Turns out, it was. I had a look at the FLTK documentation and they have a solution for this!

Fl_Double_Window is a type of Fl_Window, so seeing as how my Window wrapper is a wrapper around Fl_Window, I just inherited from Fl_Double_Window instead and voila! No more flickering; it just works™.

FLTK and Tetris using C++ - Using FL Double Window to prevent screen tearing

This made me very happy. It's very smooth now and it's actually got me excited for my planned Game Engine: Blink. What can I create now? I could do anything.

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