Monday, 17 July 2023

Chapter 26 // Exercise 9, 10 - Principles & Practice Using C++

In this exercise I'm using Visual Studio 2019 and a modified version of the std_lib_facilities header found here.

Chapter 26 // Exercise 9

Add a text-based output format for the graphics interface library. For example, when a call Circle{Point{0,1},15} is executed, a string like Circle{Point{0,1},15} should be produced on an output stream.

For this, I didn't know if he meant output to the window (so a cout stream of sorts) or output it to a file (so ostream). So I decided on an output file based on the next exercise.

I used my "FLTK Engine" for this exercise again:

And added a simple call to output to a text file called DebugCommandsCalled. You can find this change in Window.cpp Blink::Window::onTextEnteredInCommandConsole().

Chapter 26 // Exercise 10

Use the text-based interface from exercise 9 to write a better test for the graphical interface library.

Github:  N/A

So we don't have any tests to start with for the FLTK code and I can't really imagine how using text files would be useful in the long run. I'd be much more inclined to add google tests to the project and start using that instead.

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