Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Chapter 16 // Drills 1, 2, 3, 4 - Principles & Practice Using C++

In this exercise I am using Visual Studio 2017 and modified versions of the graphics files used throughout the chapters. You can find those versions through the link below.

Chapter 16 // Drills 1, 2, 3, 4

1. Make a completely new project with linker settings for FLTK (as described in Appendix D).
2. Using the facilities of Graph_lib, type in the line-drawing program from section 16.5 and get it to run.
3. Modify the program to use a pop-up menu as described in section 16.7 and get it to run.
4. Modify the program to have a second menu for choosing line styles and get it to run.

Github: https://github.com/l-paz91/principles-practice/tree/master/Chapter%2016/Drills

I didn't do 1 as I've been using the same project since the start of chapter 12 because I'm lazy.

The second one made me scratch my head a few times. I initially set it up in Graph.h but it didn't like that. So I moved it to Simple_window.h...visual studio also didn't like that. It didn't like it in Window.h either. Eventually, because I'm big brain, I realised I was creating circular dependencies due to certain headers that needed to be included so Lines_window is in GUI.h. Also, because Window is a class and not a struct, make sure you put : public Window when inheriting....

3 is pretty simple as long as you follow the code in the book however you need to add hideMenu() and redraw() to the change() function otherwise the menu won't close itself after you've selected a new colour.

Once 3 was working, 4 was as simple as copypasta and change some code. I decided not to implement callback functions and use lambdas as I hate them and I need to get more comfortable using them..even if I think the callback functions are more readable. Unreal Engine fucking loves lambdas. I made the change line style function take in a line style so I didn't have to create a function for every different line style.

I'm happy to have finally started this chapter though; I'm going to create some sick 1998-looking programs now.

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