Thursday, 13 August 2020

Chapter 15 // Class Definition Drills 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - Principles & Practice Using C++

In this exercise I am using Visual Studio 2017 and the header file std_lib_facilities found here:

Chapter 15 // Class Definition Drills

1. Define a struct Person containing a string name and an int age.
2. Define a variable of type Person , initialise it with "Goofy" and 63, and write it to the screen (cout).
3. Define an input (>>) and an output (<<) operator for Person; read in a Person from the keyboard (cin) and write it out to the screen (cout).
4. Give Person a constructor initialising name and age.
5. Make the representation of Person private, and provide const member functions name() and age() to read the name and age.
6. Modify >> and << to work with the redefined Person.
7. Modify the constructor to check that age is [0:150] and that name doesn't contain any of the characters ; : " ' [] * & ^ % $ # @ ! . Use error()  in case of error. Test.


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