
Friday, 22 September 2023

Unreal Free For The Month Jam // September 2023 - Escape The Palace Hall

What is Free For The Month Jam?? I explain it all here in great detail:

Basically, it's a game jam I made up where you have to use the current Unreal Free For The Month Assets to do, something.

It's called a jam instead of a game jam because you don't have to make a game. It can just be a simple mechanic. Whatever floats your boat.

This month I sat down and was actually able to complete my own jam for the first time since I started it almost year ago.

My entry this month came from ChatGPT which told me to create:

So that's what I did. And I made it into a video:

It's very basic, but I really struggle with finishing projects so I was proud I managed to get this to a packaged state and was happy to call it finished.

I ended up creating a very small game that requires you to find 2 items, pick them up and place them on pedestals to unlock the doors. If you don't do it within 60 seconds, you lose. It features a grab mechanic and a simple interact mechanic with the doors, as well as two trigger box events that cause spooky things to happen. I then added some sounds and music for ambience.

Keeping the scope small was really difficult and hopefully I'll be able to complete next months faster.

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