
Monday, 24 July 2023

Dev Diary // FLTK & Tetris Part 2

A little while ago I had fun making Tetris in FLTK; a library not meant for games.

It worked perfectly except for the bad flickering that I thought was down to the fact that FLTK just wasn't designed to handle games.

Then today I was working (as usual), and I saw a some code in Unreal Engine called double buffer and a light bulb went off in my head. When using something like Direct X, you usually set up a swap chain, and a buffer and a second buffer and all that jazz because the whole point is to draw your next frame to an unseen buffer, then you swap the unseen buffer with the one currently being displayed; ad infinitum. 

I wondered if this was the actual issue and the flickering was being caused by screen tearing. Turns out, it was. I had a look at the FLTK documentation and they have a solution for this!

Fl_Double_Window is a type of Fl_Window, so seeing as how my Window wrapper is a wrapper around Fl_Window, I just inherited from Fl_Double_Window instead and voila! No more flickering; it just works™.

FLTK and Tetris using C++ - Using FL Double Window to prevent screen tearing

This made me very happy. It's very smooth now and it's actually got me excited for my planned Game Engine: Blink. What can I create now? I could do anything.

Thursday, 20 July 2023

Chapter 27 // Drill 1, 2, 3 - Principles & Practice Using C++

In this exercise I'm using Visual Studio 2019 and ISO C11 Standard.

Chapter 27 // Drill 1

Write a "Hello, World!" program in C, compile it, and run it.

The last time I did this, I used Visual Studio Code and had to set up my own build script and call it on the command line. I'm much lazier now and I'm just using Visual Studio Community.

Chapter 27 // Drill 2

Define two variables holding "Hello" and "World!" respectively; concatenate them with a space in between; and output them as Hello World!

I was a bit embarrassed that it took me a good 25 minutes to do this exercise lol. I got to "define 2 variables" and was like "how do string again??" I also got caught out by the missing terminating nulls and using strcpy instead of strncpy.

Chapter 27 // Drill 3

Define a C function that takes a char* parameter p and an int parameter x and print out their values in this format: p is "foo" and x is 7. Call it with a few argument pairs.

A little bit more what I'm used to. I absolutely despise that Unreal Engine uses printf so prolifically. I love cout << and I'm not afraid to say it.

Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Chapter 26 // Exercise 12, 13, 14 - Principles & Practice Using C++

In this exercise I'm using Visual Studio 2019 and a modified version of the std_lib_facilities header found here.

Chapter 26 // Exercise 12

Write a program that generates random floating-point numbers and sort them using std::sort. Measure the time used to sort 500,000 doubles and 5,000,000 doubles.

This was a fun little task and taught me how to create a function to create random doubles.

Chapter 26 // Exercise 13

Repeat the experiment in the previous exercise, but with random strings of lengths in the [0:100) range.

I'd already created a randString function many exercises earlier and added it to std_lib_facilities. So you can find that in the link at the top of the post. Creating the vectors took almost as much time as sorting them. Especially the second one. I watched the memory used jump to 1.1GB and it took a good 120 seconds to create the strings.

Chapter 26 // Exercise 14

Repeat the previous exercise, except using a map rather than a vector so that we don't need to sort.

I had to add an arbitrary value for each map entry. As its added sorted though, I timed creating the map. I found it weird though that sometimes, my strings would all start with a number; especially with 500000 strings created.

I also found it interesting that the map.size() was reporting 487,784 elements added when 500,000 were inserted. This meant that randString() created almost 13,000 duplicate strings; which is wild.

I could've used a container like Set, which only stores keys but the exercise said map. I also could've stored the strings as value and then sorted by value but then that defeats the purpose of a map.

This was much faster than the vector though, as it took 120 seconds to create the vector then the extra 80 to sort. However, I am missing a chunk of data due to keys being the same.


And with that, I'm done with Chapter 26! I honestly can't believe there's only 1 chapter left. It feels like a chapter of my life is coming to an end and I don't think I'm ready.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023

Chapter 26 // Exercise 11 - Principles & Practice Using C++

In this exercise I'm using Visual Studio 2019 and a modified version of the std_lib_facilities header found here.

Chapter 26 // Exercise 11

Time the sum example from section 26.6 with m being square matrices with dimensions 100, 10,000, 1,000,000, and 10,000,000. Use random element values in the range [-10:10). Rewrite the calculation of v to use a more efficient (not O(N2)) algorithm and compare the timings.

I literally had no memory of how to use the matrix code from Chapter 24 at all. It was practically a year ago for me at this point. It took me a while to figure out how to use it again and what to do.

row_sum needs to be implemented. After that I had trouble creating the random matrices of certain values as I kept getting bad memory allocations and I was only at a matrix of size 10,000. I'm pretty sure Bjarne did this intentionally, or he was using a super computer, as mine kept running out of memory trying to allocate values into the matrices. I did some quick calculations and realised this is because a matrix of size 10,000 x 10,000 is trying to allocate memory for 100,000,000 doubles. A double is 8 bytes, so we're roughly trying to allocate memory for 762 MB of memory in one go. For the next size up of 1,000,000 that would equate to 7.45 terabytes!

Yeah, Bjarne definitely did this on purpose. So instead of creating these large matrices, I decided to "simulate" the large matrix by just computing the sum. However, this is still very slow and will take forever past 10,000. 

Ultimately I don't believe there is a way to use a more efficient algorithm because summing all the elements in a matrix is O(N^2). All we can do is try and make the code more efficient like passing by reference or using multithreading.

Monday, 17 July 2023

Chapter 26 // Exercise 9, 10 - Principles & Practice Using C++

In this exercise I'm using Visual Studio 2019 and a modified version of the std_lib_facilities header found here.

Chapter 26 // Exercise 9

Add a text-based output format for the graphics interface library. For example, when a call Circle{Point{0,1},15} is executed, a string like Circle{Point{0,1},15} should be produced on an output stream.

For this, I didn't know if he meant output to the window (so a cout stream of sorts) or output it to a file (so ostream). So I decided on an output file based on the next exercise.

I used my "FLTK Engine" for this exercise again:

And added a simple call to output to a text file called DebugCommandsCalled. You can find this change in Window.cpp Blink::Window::onTextEnteredInCommandConsole().

Chapter 26 // Exercise 10

Use the text-based interface from exercise 9 to write a better test for the graphical interface library.

Github:  N/A

So we don't have any tests to start with for the FLTK code and I can't really imagine how using text files would be useful in the long run. I'd be much more inclined to add google tests to the project and start using that instead.

Sunday, 16 July 2023

Chapter 26 // Exercise 8 - Principles & Practice Using C++

In this exercise I'm using Visual Studio 2019 and a modified version of the std_lib_facilities header found here.

Chapter 26 // Exercise 8

Add a text-based interface to the graphics interface library from Chapters 12-15. For example, the string Circle{Point{0,1},15} should generate a call Circle{Point{0,1},15}. Use this interface to make a "kid's drawing" of a two-dimensional house with a roof, two windows, and a door.

So I cheated on that first graphics exercise back in Chapter 12 Exercise 7 and drew it in paint. Then loaded it as an image.

I had recently though, re-written the helper code from Bjarne into my own library of sorts (Adventures With Tetris) so going back to that messy, all over the place code from 2020 was jarring. Graph is so big now, if you make a change to it, compilation time is actually noticeable as everything includes Graph.h.

The re-write was the start of a planned FLTK Game Engine I named "Blink". You can find it here:
Apparently Blink is already the name of a HTML engine, however it's developed by Google, so it'll probably be dead in a few years.
(EDIT 09/10/2023 - I've now renamed the engine BLNK)

For this exercise I thought it would be useful to open a "console command" box when you hit a button on the keyboard. Like in Unreal Engine when backtick is pressed you can enter console commands.

This also seemed like a useful thing to add to the engine, so using UE for inspiration, I created a BasicInputBox which is a widget that takes in text and you can grab the contents of the box in various formats (int, string, double etc). I then added an instance of a BasicInputBox to a Window calling it a "CommandConsole". 

I then overrode Fl_Window::handle() to listen for keyboard events. When backtick is pressed it simply shows the widget, making it look like the console window has been opened. You can type text into it. Then with the focus still in that widget, you press enter and the callback function associated with the widget is triggered. The callback grabs what's in the box and uses it in someway. So for example, if you pass "r.drawCircle 100 100 50" to the Command Console, it draws a Circle at x100, y100 with a radius of 50.

Chapter 26 // Exercise 8 - Principles & Practice Using C++

I then got bored of the task as I really want to get this book finished...someday. And so I added a quick method for Images. "r.drawImage 100 100 house.png" draws the image specified in the last parameter at x100, y100. Mirroring what I did in chapter 12 exercise 7 all those years ago.

Chapter 26 // Exercise 8 - Principles & Practice Using C++

It's not perfect. I'd prefer to not have the window control what the command console does. A future task would be to send the info to a Console Manager along with the window. Using callbacks it can then call the appropriate callback, send the window in and the type can draw to the window. Or you can do something else, like change the colour of the background.

Saturday, 1 July 2023

Chapter 26 // Exercise 7 - Principles & Practice Using C++

In this exercise I'm using Visual Studio 2019 and a modified version of the std_lib_facilities header found here.

Chapter 26 // Exercise 7

Test the "simple text editor" from section 20.6.

I can't believe I did Chapter 20 almost 2 years ago now...I'm really slacking trying to get my way through this book.

Anyway, I went and got my code from exercise 6, chapter 20 and it no longer compiles for some reason. I had done nothing to it and I'm still using VS2019. It would appear that in the past 2 years, custom iterator classes need more definitions and I couldn't be bothered doing that. So I just re-wrote find_text to not use std::find.

I did a fair amount of testing. I didn't want to spend too much time on it though.