
Monday, 13 June 2022

Chapter 24 // Exercise 7 - Principles & Practice Using C++

In this exercise I am using Visual Studio 2019 and a modified version of the std_lib_facilities header found here.

Chapter 24 // Exercise 7

Rewrite the Gaussian elimination program without using the Matrix library; that is, use built-in arrays or vectors instead of Matrixes.

For this I initially change the
using MatrixD2 = Numeric_lib::Matrix<double, 2>;
using MatrixD1 = Numeric_lib::Matrix<double, 1>;
using MatrixD2 = vector<vector<double>>;
using MatrixD1 = vector<double>;
Then started going through the code and replacing what was red until it compiled. The hardest part was creating a slice for vector for the scale and add....I think my solution is working? I'm terrible at maths though and found this exercise particularly difficult.

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