
Sunday, 19 March 2023

Chapter 26 // Exercise 1 - Principles & Practice Using C++

In this exercise I'm using Visual Studio 2019 and a modified version of the std_lib_facilities header found here.

Chapter 26 // Exercise 1

Run your binary search algorithm from section 26.1 with the tests presented in section

I started off writing the function and following his bullet points and it had 3 distinct sections; getting the middle and comparing, then seeing if the middle was less or more than. I then got deja vu because knew I had seen this somewhere before in the book/done it before. And so I went looking through the other chapters and sure enough, I found the info I was looking for back in Chapter 21, page 795.

This then triggered a memory of realising how a binary search is actually implemented and I went back through my posts to this one:

Here we were tasked with writing a binary search for a vector, and I was a bit shocked to see my binary search I started implementing was exactly the same as the one I did 2 years ago. I even used the same std::advance and std::distance calls to get the middle iterator. 

Thanks to these tests though, I did find a bug in my code from that exercise, in that if there is only 1 element in the container, and the value we're looking for is more than the contents of the middleElement iterator; it would go into another binary search and eventually overflow. So I checked the distance was more than 1 before doing that.

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Dev Diary // Adventures with Tetris (C++ Console Window & FLTK)

A colleague introduced me to the YouTube channel javidx9 the other day with the video:

I sat down after a gym session one dreary monday night and the 36 minute video took me about 90 minutes but javid had delivered and there was Tetris in the console window in about 300 lines of code. I also really enjoyed the little maths trick he employed to rotate the tetromino pieces. I found the video to be a bit rushed in places and some things cut out so I had to refer to the github repo quite a bit. Some things also went unexplained and me from a few years ago would be quite confused but on the whole; a solid tutorial.

Tetris was on my list of games to clone as it's a classic, easy-ish to implement and rife for tinkering. And tinkered with that initial small program I have.

Console Window
Here is the repo for my "all-in-main" version that I wrote whilst following along with the video. It's not exactly as his code but close enough:

Dev Diary // Adventures with Tetris (C++ Console Window & FLTK)

++Console Window
I then set about taking this apart and creating a more generic Tetris that could eventually be run using any library. This one still runs in the console window but the input options, rendering, tetromino mechanics have been abstracted to work regardless of what library you're theory.

This is a small lightweight API  that I was introduced to whilst working my way through Principles & Practice. I actually really like it due to it's simplicity and Windows 95 looking graphics. This was the first test to see how portable I'd made my code in the previous exercise.

I started off modifying the wrapper code given in the book Programming: Principles & Practice by Bjarne Stroustrup. I've been meaning to do this for a while; it's not a perfect wrapper but it makes iteration in FLTK a bit faster.

Here's the repo:

With that done, I then found a free Tetris block png off the internet:

I used GIMP to change the hue of it to create 6 other colours.
Dev Diary // Adventures with Tetris (C++ Console Window & FLTK)

I then created a simple window with a quit button.

Dev Diary // Adventures with Tetris (C++ Console Window & FLTK)

Now I needed to find a way to display the Tetris Board on the window. At this point I already had all of the code needed from the console versions so I created a grey block and wherever '#' is drawn, I told it to draw a grey block instead.

Dev Diary // Adventures with Tetris (C++ Console Window & FLTK)

Next was to draw the current piece. This required some tweaking but after some trial and error I managed to get it working without having to expressly tell the individual blocks to draw to make up the shapes (it used the text created in the console versions).

Dev Diary // Adventures with Tetris (C++ Console Window & FLTK)

I then started copying over all the update logic to move and rotate the pieces. I was extremely surprised that this "just worked". FLTK does have it's own Keyboard event handling system however, the default windows one worked just fine with it so I stuck to that instead of changing it.

To create the "game loop", I used FLTK's timing system and registered a "tick" function with it. The tick function updates the Tetris board then redraws it. The tick function also handles updating the game tick counter to regulate tetromino speeds and locking them in place:

Dev Diary // Adventures with Tetris (C++ Console Window & FLTK)
Please ignore the flickering; FLTK and my screen recorder don't get along.

The only thing left after all this was to print out the score:

Dev Diary // Adventures with Tetris (C++ Console Window & FLTK)

And with that I got bored and got the itch to do something else. I will come back to this though as I'd like to do it in SFML next, add sounds and such. I was happy I managed to get a "game" of sorts working in FLTK though as that library is not built for games....and it really shows. It was fun creating helper classes though. I'd like to know why it's flickering so much once the screen gets really full. I think it'd be a good task to delve into Visual Studios performance profiling and debugging options.

EDIT 25/07/2023
I fixed the screen flickering: