Chapter 9 // Exercise 16
Define an input operator (>>) that reads monetary amounts with currency denominations, such as USD1.23 and DKK5.00, into a Money variable. Also define a corresponding output operator.
My example is omitting some error checking due to time constraints so don't put in any illegal values otherwise it'll break however it does what he has asked for. When using cin >> with a Money variable it allows the user to input a new monetary value as well as change the currency. The << was already implemented in the last exercise. I also learnt in this exercise that there is a whole load of functions in the standard library for converting strings to almost any type of decimal. Bless the standard library.
//----------------------------------// // main.cpp //----------------------------------// //INCLUDES// #include "moneyClass.h" int main() { Money amount1(c_GBP, 3.34); amount1.printMoney(); Money amount2(c_USD, 786.789); amount1.printMoney(); //read in new money cin >> amount1; cin >> amount2; //print new amounts cout << amount1 << endl; cout << amount2 << endl; cout << "\nPress any key to quit..."; _getch(); return 0; }
//----------------------------------// // moneyClass.h //----------------------------------// // for calculations involving money //----------------------------------// #ifndef _MONEYCLASS_H_ #define _MONEYCLASS_H_ //INCLUDES// #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; //----------------------------------// // ENUM: Currencies //----------------------------------// enum Currencies { c_GBP, c_USD }; //----------------------------------// // CLASS: Money //----------------------------------// class Money { public: Money(); Money(Currencies currency, float amount); ~Money(); void printMoney(); Currencies getCurrency() { return m_currency; } void changeCurrency(Currencies currency) { m_currency = currency; } long int getOutPutMoney() { return m_outputMoney; } double getInputMoney() { return m_inputMoney; } private: //variables// Currencies m_currency; long int m_outputMoney; //cents double m_inputMoney; //dollars }; //OPERATOR OVERLOADS// void operator+(Money& money1, Money& money2); ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Money& money); istream& operator>>(istream& is, Money& money); #endif // !_MONEYCLASS_H_
//----------------------------------// // moneyClass.cpp //----------------------------------// // for calculations involving money //----------------------------------// //INCLUDES// #include "moneyClass.h" //VARIABLES// double gbp2usd = 1.26; double usd2gbp = 0.79; Money::Money() {} Money::Money(Currencies currency, float amount) { m_currency = currency; m_inputMoney = amount; } Money::~Money() {} //print output as dollars void Money::printMoney() { m_outputMoney = round(m_inputMoney * 100.0f); switch (m_currency) { case c_USD: cout << "-----USD----" << endl; cout << "Dollars: $" << fixed << setprecision(2) << m_inputMoney << endl; cout << "Cents: " << fixed << setprecision(0) << m_outputMoney << endl; break; case c_GBP: cout << "-----GBP----" << endl; cout << "Pounds: £" << fixed << setprecision(2) << m_inputMoney << endl; cout << "Pennies: " << fixed << setprecision(0) << m_outputMoney << "p" << endl; break; default: cout << "Bad output"; break; } } //OPERATOR OVERLOADS// //add currencies together - converts money if not the same void operator+(Money& money1, Money& money2) { cout << "\n"; if (money1.getCurrency() == money2.getCurrency()) //currencies are the same, no conversion needed, just add cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << money1.getInputMoney() + money2.getInputMoney(); else if (money1.getCurrency() == c_GBP && money2.getCurrency() == c_USD) { //return pounds cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << "£" << (money2.getInputMoney() * usd2gbp) + money1.getInputMoney() << endl; } else if (money1.getCurrency() == c_USD && money2.getCurrency() == c_GBP) { //return dollars cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << "$" << (money2.getInputMoney() * gbp2usd) + money1.getInputMoney() << endl; } } //print out money ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Money& money) { switch (money.getCurrency()) { case c_GBP: return os << fixed << setprecision(2) << "\n£" << money.getInputMoney() << endl; break; case c_USD: return os << fixed << setprecision(2) << "\n$" << money.getInputMoney() << endl; break; default: return os << "Bad output"; break; } } //read money into a Money variable istream& operator>>(istream& is, Money& money) { cout << "Please enter currency, followed by amount. For example GBP3.45" << endl; cout << "Currencies available: GBP || USD" << endl; string getMoney; cin >> getMoney; string denomination, amount; double mon; for (int i = 0; i < getMoney.size(); ++i) { if (i < 3) denomination += getMoney[i]; else amount += getMoney[i]; } //convert string to double mon = stod(amount); //update money variable if (denomination == "GBP") { money = Money(c_GBP, mon); money.changeCurrency(c_GBP); } else if (denomination == "USD") { money = Money(c_USD, mon); money.changeCurrency(c_USD); } else { cout << "bad input."; } return is; }
My example is omitting some error checking due to time constraints so don't put in any illegal values otherwise it'll break however it does what he has asked for. When using cin >> with a Money variable it allows the user to input a new monetary value as well as change the currency. The << was already implemented in the last exercise. I also learnt in this exercise that there is a whole load of functions in the standard library for converting strings to almost any type of decimal. Bless the standard library.