
Sunday, 27 November 2016

Little Hiatus & Blog Update

This blog is currently on a small hiatus as I focus on university work. I am currently half way through chapter 7 but my assignments are top priority.

I just handed in my first which was Maths & Physics for game play which focused on parabolic trajectories and IK Chains and have a programming one and another maths due by Christmas. Whilst doing my assignments it has made me think about the future of this blog and would love eventually to put up tutorials on maths for games programming and c++ tutorials. 

As someone who has been programming for just under a year, I'd like to keep the topics on this blog simple, especially for beginner programmers. I've found that newbies asking questions in places like stackoverflow or cplusplus are met with patronizing answers from 'experts' whose answers are way too technical for their level of understanding. 

For example, someone had posted a question on an exercise from chapter 5 of P&P on stackoverflow (I was searching for an answer myself and I was stumped) and one user replied with "just use maps". Another user then had to point out that maps aren't introduced till a much later chapter (I'm currently still trying to wrap my head around classes). I guess what I'm trying to say is, I want this site to be a place where newcomers to C++ can learn the basics without the fear of experienced programmers thinking they're stupid. 
     We all learn at different paces and in different ways. I still use system("pause") every now and then despite what every single user on stackoverflow says. I only ever use windows and it works for what I want. Would I use it in a professional program? Of course not, but that doesn't mean I'm idiot for using it. You have to learn to walk before you can run. That's why Bjarne provides you with a header file with functions such as keep_window_open(). That function works in exactly the same way as system("pause") but for the first few chapters I had no idea how it worked, I only knew that it kept the console window open (as visual studio has a habit of closing the console window when the program has finished executing). Now I understand how it works and how to create a function which does the same thing. 

I am in no way an expert, I'm still learning, and have a lot to learn, but this blog was created because I could not find any help on Principles & Practice. There are a few blog posts and Bjarne himself has answered a few questions but there doesn't seem to be anyone who actually goes through their answers and how they got them. Therefore I hope that someone else finds this blog somewhat useful, if not I'm pretty proud of how far I've progressed so far. But enough rambling, thank you to those who are dropping by and if you have any questions I will try to answer as best I can.